About me

Moon lake, Xinantécatl crater,
I was born in 1984, in a city located in a valley at the base of the Xinantécatl volcano. I did the BA in English at the UAEMex in Toluca, after that I did an MA in Linguistic Studies at the University of Essex which is located in Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, UK. I focused on Sociolinguistics, particularly on Conversation Analysis.

University of Essex, 2010
In 2009, and thanks to a grant from the British government and the University of Essex, I started a PhD in Sociolinguistics at the Department of Language and Linguistics at Essex, I graduated in the Summer of 2014 with a thesis about sequential markers in Mexican Spanish talk-in-interactions.

Whilst doing my PhD, I taught Sociolinguistics to first years at Essex. In Mexico, I have taught at the ENAH (Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia) in their BA in Linguistics and at CIESAS (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social) in their MA and PhD in Indo American Linguistics. In 2017, I completed a postdoc at CIESAS. I'm a member of the Mexican System of Researchers (SNI) since 2018.

CUCSH, 2020
Currently, I teach and conduct research at the University of Guadalajara at the Department of Modern Languages, which is part of the CUCSH (Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades). I teach research methods, linguistics and sociolinguistics.

I speak the variety of Spanish of central Mexico; however, I have a few linguistic features from the variety of the southeast. My English has a strong influence from the British variety in vocabulary and idioms.